Lynette Gordon celebrates 20 years

In a world where career longevity is becoming increasingly rare, milestones like Lynette’s 20-year anniversary at Gulf Harbour Marina are truly remarkable!

Lynette, the assistant accountant at the marina, (who many of you will know personally) recently celebrated this significant milestone in February, marking two decades of dedicated service and invaluable contributions to the team.

Long-time colleagues Jan and Maria, who have had the privilege of working alongside Lynette throughout her journey, shared heartfelt sentiments about her remarkable tenure.

“Lynette has a wealth of experience – It was never a problem for her to help with any queries regarding accounts. She has been a cornerstone in ensuring the financial operations run smoothly!”

Maria also laughed. “Good O’l Lynette always got the wages right no matter what! Not sure what we would do without her, to be honest!”

Beyond work, Lynette’s presence has been deeply woven into the fabric of the Gulf Harbour community. “Lynette lives locally and enjoys living and working so close to home,” Jan shared, underscoring Lynette’s love for her work, her community and the beautiful area of Whangaparāoa.

“Lynette also loves a cheeky red Pinot Noir but it has to be cold!” Maria revealed.

As Lynette marks this significant milestone, the entire team at Gulf Harbour Marina is filled with gratitude for her hardwork and invaluable contributions over the past two decades. 

“We would like to thank Lynette for all her dedication and contribution over the years!” Jan expressed on behalf of the team.

As Lynette continues her journey at Gulf Harbour Marina, her legacy of professionalism, reliability, and warmth will undoubtedly continue to inspire her colleagues and enrich the community for years to come. Her contributions have been instrumental in shaping Gulf Harbour Marina into the thriving marina it is today, and we look forward to many more years working alongside her!

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