Welcome to Gulf Harbour
Located approximately 4km from the end of the Whangaparāoa Peninsula, and at the northern end of the Hauraki Gulf. Our natural and unique geography attracts a variety of wildlife over which locals are fiercely protective. Several wildlife sanctuaries protect our native species in the air, on land, and in the water. It’s common to see dolphins playing in the bow wake or little blue penguins popping up on cruising adventures. Whales are frequently seen from the marina channel, and seals sun themselves on our rock walls. Local stingray swim through the marina and up the Gulf Harbour canal to the village where families relax with ice creams or takeaways. Even the name of our peninsula, Whangaparāoa, lends to our love of wildlife: Whangaparāoa translated from Māori means: whanga, bay; parāoa, whale
Our proximity to the islands of the Hauraki Gulf and excellent fishing and cruising adventures attracts boaties from all over the world. The land-side marine facilities and leisure pursuits are big drawcards for visitors and locals alike.
Stay a day. A week. A month or longer. You may never want to leave.
Gulf Harbour Ferry
Take the ferry to or from Gulf Harbour during the week. The Gulf Harbour Ferry Terminal is located at the end of Z Pier, and is accessed from the end of the Hammerhead carpark.
The Ferry is operated by Fullers, under the Auckland Transport public transport system. Timetables and tickets can be purchased from Fullers.
Gulf Harbour Village
Within a short, 10-minute walk of the marina, you’ll find all the amenities you’d expect of a small community:
- Supermarket
- Bottle store
- Takeaways – Indian, Thai, Japanese, fish and chips, bakery
- Cafés
- Hair, beauty and nail salons
- Laundromat
Gulf Harbour Yacht Club
With clubrooms right on-site at the marina, Gulf Harbour Yacht Club are in the enviable location to host events up to 120 (seated) people, with an on-site caterer and well-stocked bar.
The large, covered and enclosed deck faces over Z Pier and the southern end of Gulf Harbour Marina, and the upper deck faces south, overlooking Kotanui Island and towards the city. The Gulf Harbour Yacht Club have an active membership with regular regattas, racing series and social calendar.

Tiri Tiri Matangi
Explore a beautiful wildlife sanctuary at nearby Tiri Tiri Matangi. You can access Tiri Tiri Matangi by private vessel or on the ferry that departs regularly from Z Pier at Gulf Harbour Marina.
Explore Group operates ferries and access in partnership with Ngai Tai Te Haeranga.
Visitor information and ferry tickets are available to purchase directly from Explore Group.

Shakespear Regional Park
An open and accessible regional park, Shakespear integrates conservation, recreation and even farming of cattle and sheep, with walking tracks criss-crossing paddocks. Dogs and other animals/pets are prohibited in the open sanctuary, but welcomed in the dog walking area in nearby Okoromai Bay.
There are plenty of ways to explore and enjoy your time at Shakespear – stay overnight, search for kiwi, swim, walk, or cook up a feast on the barbecues!
Comprehensive information is available from Auckland Council or visit Shakespear Open Sanctuary Society.