Carpark, Facility and Marina Pier Access at Gulf Harbour Marina
To maintain a secure site, Gulf Harbour Marina offers a choice of two options to access the carparks, facilities and marina piers:
- Keyring fob/access card (available for purchase at the Marina Office)
- Free-of-charge proximity app on your smartphone.
Gulf Harbour Marina has partnered with proximity-based app provider Inugo to give boaties easy and free-of-charge access to and from the marina carparks, pier gates and marina facilities.

How to use the Inugo app:

Download App
- see links below

Register on app
- Add your license plate details
- Turn on Bluetooth and data

Register with the marina
- Let the marina team know what your registered email address is and they’ll connect you with the marina Inugo network.

Use the app
- Pier gates and ablution blocks use proximity feature.
- Carpark barrier arms use license plate cameras