Marina Rules

Overboard Discharge Policy
No vessel is permitted to discharge any substance into the Marina.
By far the most common substance encountered is diesel oil. This can be accidentally discharged from boats while fuelling or due to leaks within the boat being pumped out by an automatic bilge pump.
If diesel or any other substance is spotted in the Marina it should be reported immediately to a member of staff. The Operations team are experienced at tracking down the source of such leaks but time is a factor as diesel oil spreads out very quickly and is also relocated by wind and tide.
If the source can be identified it is isolated with floating booms and the cause of the discharge eg. bilge pump is deactivated. If necessary, the vessel may be hauled out of the water at the owner’s expense to ensure no further contamination of the Marina takes place. The remaining oil is then collected with oil absorbent mats. Note: a vessel discharging oil into the Marina is considered an emergency. Reasonable steps may be taken to gain entry in order to isolate the source.
It is our obligation to inform the Auckland Harbour Master of any spills within the Marina including any vessels identified as the cause. The Harbour Master has the ability to impose large fines.
Vessel owners will be charged for time and materials expended in tracking down and cleaning up discharges. Below is a tariff of charges:
After hours call out | $500 |
Labour (including search time) | $80 |
Oil absorbent mats | $7 |
Oil absorbent roll | $25/metre |
Large absorbent boom | $140 |
Small absorbent boom | $100 |